Friday 29 August 2008

Prototype Test For Predicting Clinical Outcome For Melanoma Patients - Gene Signature Prognostication Of Rapid Progression From Stage III To Stage IV

�Investigators from the Melbourne Center of the outside Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (LICR) and Pacific Edge Biotchnology Ltd today reported that they hold developed a test to predict whether a patient will progression rapidly from Stage III melanoma to metastatic Stage IV cancer and death.

More than 70% of patients with Stage III melanoma - melanoma that has spread to the lymph nodes - testament typically have a rapid time to progression (TTP) to Stage IV malignant melanoma, and put across away inside five old age of their diagnosis. However, the remaining

The LICR Melbourne squad, together with collaborators from Pacific Edge Biotechnology Limited in New Zealand, has developed a prototype test that can buoy distinguish 'tween these deuce patient subtypes with 85-90% accuracy. However, the team cautions that these findings must be validated in a bigger number of patients earlier the test can be applied routinely as a prognostic dick.

According to the senior author of the study, LICR's Professor Jonathan Cebon, M.D., the predictive test could assist patients and their health care teams in devising treatment decisions. Perhaps to the highest degree importantly, organism able to distinguish betwixt the subtypes could get a tremendous impact on the developing of new melanoma therapies. "One of the major problems we have in clinical trials for new melanoma therapies is that we can't identify the people wHO are going to own a slower disease advance no matter what they receive in a clinical trial," says Professor Cebon. "When new treatments are tested it is necessary to present clinical benefit by comparison patients world Health Organization receive the new therapy with those who do not. Although patients might all have the same type of cancers, at that place can be big differences in their survival simply because their cancers do differently - and this may make nothing to do with the intervention. If we are able-bodied to key out the good players and the bad players upfront, it becomes a whole lot easier figuring out whether good results are due to the new treatment or not. Most importantly far fewer patients would be needed for the clinical trials. It's partly because we can't clinically identify subtypes of patients that we suffer to do very big and very expensive trials. And, of course, this increases the time it takes to test the clinical benefit of potential drop new therapies."

The joint Australian/New Zealand team used microarrays to measure the expression of more than 30,000 genes in lymph knob sections taken from 29 patients with Stage III melanoma. There were 2,140 genes differentially expressed in the sections from people world Health Organization had already had a "poor" outcome (average TTP of just four months) and patients that had had a "good" outcome (average TTP of 40+ months). Using statistical analyses, the team identified 21 genes that could be used to differentiate between the deuce subtypes of patients in the retrospective analysis. This gene signature was then used to prospectively examine another 10 patients, with the clinical outcome for nine of the 10 (90%) patients proving to be predicted accurately. The one patient who was incorrectly predicted to have a "good" prognosis did have a rapid TTP to Stage IV. However, this patient role went on to feature a drawn-out survival of six years. The squad also applied the test to promulgated data sets and showed they could get a prediction truth of 85%, event though data was not uncommitted for all 21 genes in the published literature.

This discipline was conducted under the auspices of the Hilton - Ludwig Cancer Metastasis Initiative. It was light-emitting diode by investigators from: LICR Melbourne Center Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia; Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago, Otago, New Zealand; Pacific Edge Biotechnology Limited, Dunedin, New Zealand, and; Department of Statistics, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

Source - Sarah L. White
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research

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Tuesday 19 August 2008

Heidi & Spencer to Marry on Live TV

If you think Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are slowing down their quest for world say-so, think again.

On Monday, Heidi confirmed in an question with Extra that she and Pratt plan to marry on live TV, saying, "I'm just waiting for that big ring!"

Montag also aforesaid that on that point could be little "Speidis" hamming it up for the cameras in the future (Can you imagine?).

"I want kids...eventually," she says. Over the weekend, The Hills co-star, Audrina Patridge, open up almost her frosty relationship with Montag, telltale, "You know, I don't have a problem with her...That's 'tween her and Lauren [Conrad]."

Heidi confirms there's no problem between herself and Audrina, saying, "We hang kO'd. We're friends...I love Audrina."

When asked if she had any plans to leave The Hills, Montag aforesaid, "No, where would I go?"

Well, at least she knows it!

Tune in to Extra tonight to see the full interview!

Would you watch Heidi and Spencer's wedding on live TV?

Sure, I love a good trainwreck!
Ugh, No! Enough with them already!

More info

Saturday 9 August 2008

Int and The Movement

Int and The Movement   
Artist: Int and The Movement



Version 1.0   
 Version 1.0

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 4


Terri Clark