Monday 8 September 2008

Brandy Readies Human After Four-Year Hiatus: 'I Never Wanna Leave For That Long Again'

It's been a whole George W. Bush presidential term since Brandy's last album, Afrodisiac. Back then, her daughter was merely a baby � heck, her pal Ray J was but a baby in some people's eyes � and the music business was a hale different animal.

"It feels so great to be back on the scene," she said last week on the set of her video for "Right Here (Departed)." She was acquiring her feet wet over again in social movement of the camera.

"I went through a struggle, and I truly needed to get myself together and connect with my aim, which is music," she explained of the abatement, the longest of her 14-year calling. "Music is all I know. ... To be on this determine today, I feel very blessed for the second chance and for the opportunity, my record troupe believing in me and everybody here just screening me so much sexual love and financial support. My fans. It only feels beneficial to be back, and I never wanna leave for that long again."

A decade ago, the singer released her most commercially successful LP, Never Say Never. It was a triumph that undisputedly skint her out of the pack that included a talented consortium of one-named women such as Mya and Monica. Over the years, Brandy has worked less and less with the drive force in arrears that album's production, Rodney Jerkins. Their differences became evident on the last album, Afrodisiac, when Timbaland replaced Darkchild as her go-to guy. But Jerkins is gage for the new album, Human.

"Well, the chemistry brought Rodney and I back together," she explained. "I mean, it's a chemistry that's undeniable, it's witching. I think it's our responsibility to make music together. I think it's our contribution to the world. I mean, I think that we take a seat, a lane, and we have mass out in that location that love seeing us working together, and again, I'm simply blessed to be back working with him. 'Right Here (Departed)' was the first sung that I heard that Rodney treasured to do for with me, and that was the beginning song I did with him. Our reconnect � and it's our first-class honours degree single. So our have this clock time has been very wizardly. Our sound is a little fleck different from our old sound, only we ar back, and I'm ne'er leaving Rodney again, and I bob Hope he never leaves me."

"The music brought it back together," Jerkins agreed. "I mean, at the end of the day, we wanted to do something for the fans and show the world that we got this chemistry that can't be denied and can't be stopped-up. The earth is gonna get it when they hear the album. The album just reflects on everything she's been through in the last eighter to 10 years and how she came tabu of it and how she's potent and she's a woman. I'm just now here to do my thing and to support it.

"It's definitely a big pop-sounding album, international sounding. But she hits a little spot on the country face," he added about the rest of his work on the album. "Vocally, she does a bunch of niggling country twangs with her voice. We kid around, we jape around that the next album is gonna be country. We're both gonna step out and do some nation music. But we're rather tapping into it, to show that you potty mix that sound with urban and R&B and hip-hop. It's just music, and good music lives."

Brandy � wHO, believe it or non, will turn 30 succeeding year � described the album as more mature but more pop than she's of all time gone.

"I cherished to make it for everybody, non just urban but every race, every color, every creed, any," she said. "I just now wanted to make a universal album, and that's what we did, and we effected that. And I'm really excited some it, it's out November 11, and we launch it November 10 with Oprah, so I'm really excited.

"The record album title is called Human," she continued. "I wrote the claim track to the album, and basically what that song is about is forgiveness. Mistakes are gonna be made; we're all gonna create them. One of the lines in the song is 'I'm only human, I might just evidence a lie/ I'm only human, I'm an angel in disguise.' There's another song on the album called 'Warm It Up With Love.' I'm talking around how the whole world is freezing, [but] we just motive to fond the world up with love. [Then there's] 'Piano Man,' where I go to this piano man and require him to play a song of love, play a song about heartbreak, so we can have the unanimous world singing tonight. It's really some cool concepts on the album."

The individual and its video ar about being there for a loved one.

"You can buoy take it like you're talking approximately a mother and a daughter, a sister, blood brother, girlfriend, whatever � it's universal in that way," she aforementioned. "And the video concept is me crossing over to the other side and advent back into my family's life. Just popping up everywhere, but singing to them, and it's [got] an I Am Legend feel. Sometimes you go steady me on the street by myself completely, and it's pretty cool. Little X is directing it. I'm actually excited about it. I just hope it turns out keen and everybody loves it."

Jerkins appears in the video, as does Ray J.

"I always strain to get in it when I can," aforementioned Ray, wHO described his older sibling's return as "a long time approaching." "If it don't make sense, then I don't [do it]. But she called me down. I canceled all my plans � I had a show to do somewhere else, merely I'm gonna be here for this video 'cause I know how important it is for her, and I know just how important it is to be around and just support her and whatever she needs, so I'm here for her."

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